In order to write a blog about good taste, one needs to have it themselves and ahem i think I do, Im grounded but i do like nice things but most importantly i appreciate substance over style, if I'm going to wedge some dollars from my wallet it really I'm to be exchanged for something that is going to last the distance. So browsing the pages of Kiosk these are my top 5 gift ideas for people who also have an eye for detail. Lets start.
1- Wallace and Sewell Lambswool Block throws
I am going to start big, this is not one for the budgeter BUT it is one that will bring forever years of joy and comfort. London based textile design studio Wallace and Sewell make these show stopping, hand on heart beautiful throws, I first saw them at the Standard in London and have yearned ever since. While they could be cool for your lounge and Sunday sofas sessions they really do command attentiona and respect and look regal on your bed.
2- Cups and saucers by ACME
I can barely keep the cutlery in stock, its so popular but the Acme cups are where it began and if you don't have a cup and saucer at home to have an afternoon cup of coffee or tea, where have you been?
Cool colours, great volume and a real throw- it - in - the - dishwasher heavy duty-ness that brings good times to our day not more jobs.
3- Dock and Bay Towels
Every person that travels or camps or holidays or swims or has a pool or picnics or likes a hike (have i missed anyone) needs a Dock and Bay Towel, these (actual) lightweight towels are super hard working at keeping you dry without the annoying bag heavy-ing sog after. Great for kids, great for Amalfi rock bathing.
4- General Sleep organic cotton pyjama sets
Have you sleept in french seemed, organic cotton, softer everytime you wear them pajamers? This NZ brand gets the brief, airy but structured, boxy, soft cotton sleepwear that will encourage good sleep habits and look pretty handsome when you're answering the door too.
5- The Incense Match
Since the 80s this family run company has been producing the incense match, while light on dollars this little box of 30 incense matches will spark instant joy. How can it not, they are a joy, they work a treat and they improve all the little household moments that need a shakeup; smells, moods and attitude adjustments.