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5 of Kiosk store's best sellers that you'll want to buy.

Kiosk stores has been rock and rolling for 2 and a half years, what started out as an online Australian shop selling gifts and travel products it has slowly progressed into a store that collates good quality brands together that share similar mind sets of quality first, non seasonal and acutally useful produtcs for your house or your wardrobe.

While some things are more well known than others, all work wonderfully together to create smart purchases that wont end up in your local op shop in 12 months (hopefully).

When I see shopping carts with a spread across Kiosk's catergories it thrills me to bits, I hope to be achievable but to inspire without the nauseating pretence that is covering up for low quality goods that has become so common in retail today.

So onto the show, what products in Kiosk stors right now are really worth buying...

1- Le bon shoppe balloon pants, but actually anything.

I was very hesitant to buy my first order of Le bon shoppe, it seemed such a wildcard when i was more product focused but I myself really wanted a pair of the red her socks and i was starting to see a lot of UK and US credible retailers showcasing the brand.

I took the leap and haven't looked back, the brand itself has stayed true to their origins they are very transparent and the wardrobe growth from socks to shorts to the blink and youll miss them Arc pants seems harmonious and not wasteful.

You can easily get a very wearable and slick looking few pieces that work well together and cover you for the weekdays and the weekends.

I wear on rotation the Le bon shoppe Arc pants, socks and her tees and really dont even think about it but always feel dressed nicely.

2- Acme flatware and Bobby mugs

By the inventor of the flat white, Acme the brand started. While living in London i occassionally saw the cups in cafes and always felt a pang of antipodean love for them. When I started Kiosk i knew i wanted a mug as coffee drinking is a strong game here and set about researching. Whilst i was muddling things over i went to the south melbourne hectors deli and was graced with an Acme teaspoon on the side of my drink, I glanced, wasnt offended by its look but when i went to pick it up to stir my drink, the whole thing made immediate sense. The weight was perfect, the thickness was perfect and on looking at it again, i realised it was the whole package.

I ordered a small cutlery stash and have NEVER looked at another cutlery piece again. My personal set gets smashed by my family, thrown repeadily into the depths of the diswasher and it it still with wear and tear better looking and acting than any other cutlery i have ever used. I literally cant keep it in stock.

3- Baggu

I ordered Baggu personally many many (maybe like 13 years?) ago. From there i put it to bed until I was thinking about the travel angle for Kiosk, what bags really are the best in durability and price point and which will give us a more flexible journey. While a suitcase is an easy sell when it comes to a sleep over or mini break they are too strucutred. I re-met Baggu and have a few shopper bags on rotation ( i cant tell you enough how strong they are, way way better than the cheaper supermarket versions), I use the above travel bag for so many things and a bum bag for flights.

Baggu is continually moving so once their colours or fabrics are gone, they are gone. (I wish they would bring back the foldable hat) i have a very conservative but Kiosk appealing selection that i hope showcases the more travel focused side of Baggu.

4- Apartamento

This bestselling magazine Apartamento really needs no introduction but if it did i would start with this, I used to read a lot. Good books, rubbish books, fashion magazines, trashy magazines, newspapers etc etc and now through my store and my life i find 99% of my reading is scrolling the gram. Very unhealthy. BUT the one book i do commit to (as its quartely) so thats a bit more achievable is Apartamento. Its interesting, it doesnt run in order so you can pick up up and flick through until something jumps out, its an easy and interesting read and its not preachy or opinion based. I love it, you will too.

5- Wallace and Sewell blankets and throws

Ok full disclosure, a best seller is something you sell a lot of and Kiosk does not sell a lot of these blankets but I think a bestseller is also something you love the most and hope to sell a lot of so that you can keep them in stock and that is these to a T.

Merino Lambswool blankets dyed, spun and woven in the UK, they are the centrepiece for your bedroom that will catch your breath everytime you pass the door. Thats true.

I had seen these before in a London furniture store (twenty twenty one) and always admired them, a few years after I stayed in the Standard in London and despite looking out to the glorious St Pancras station all i could concentrate on was the blanket on the bed, I had to have them and i do. Its an investment but a very wise one.



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