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Kiosks favourite products in June.

We know you shouldn't have favourites, apart from restaurants (Embla), drinks (negroni in winter, gimlets in summer), cities (London), skincare (Aesop), crisps (sour cream and chives) and music (90s house). But sometimes its good to shine a light on pieces we are enjoying and so here is a small list of Kiosk must haves that we think are proper dance anthem rocking right now.

Nail brush by Turner & Harper in England. $35

Sitting on a bathroom basin or kitchen sink, this is an essential. Have we learnt anything from the carnage of the last couple of years (other than maybe don't trust politicians). Hand hygiene is paramount, but that doesn't mean it should be an inconvenience. Use with something lovely and soapy and you'll never look back.

ACME cups cutlery starting at $3.60

I suffered through years of mis matched / where did this come from cutlery and that's a jolly good thing. Before you can appreciate the fine things in life you should schlepp it. How can you appreciate a hotel and thread counts if you've not barricaded your self in an L.A hostel with your luggage because there is no door handle and your 20. I digress, but do you see?

Living with basic cutlery is fine but once you feel the weight and the modern silhouette of ACME cutlery you cannot go back. Im selling the cutlery per piece so you can build your own set which fits your family size and needs.

Pico underwear starting at $40

I can tell you of Picos commitment to sustainability and of their generous and fair treatment of workers and mills but actually what you need to know is how this underwear feels. Its very very complimentary to your body, the high wastes, circular hems of the vest and cut of the crop are nothing short of flattering. I am an average person of average age with an average body, when I glimpse myself in the mirror when I am wearing Pico (which is 4 days out of 7, I am saving up to be the full week) I love it, its simple but its really attractive. I couldn't speak higher June or not.

Le Bon Shoppe socks starting at $20

Nothing is more mood enhancing than a lovely pop of colour from a sock. The Her socks from Le bon shoppe are my absolute favourite, the material is thin so looks amazing with floaty skirts, the colours are bright and wash up very well and they are a well made sock. I have just had an order in of some of the greatest colour shades out there, on a morning its actually a hard decision to make which one to choose.

Apartamento Issue #29

Just dropped is Apartamento Issue 29, one of only half a handful of print Magazines I still read. That in itself is a bit sad but digital is a hard competitor. However I enjoy Apartamento for a few reasons, one its so global I can really sink into peoples lives from around the world. Two its not seasonal, you can pick up, put down and return to back copies with very little hesitation and three its a jolly big read for your buck. I intend to take this copy with me when I travel to the UK in a couple of weeks because like a book I can read on planes, trains and ferries without running short of text at the airport.



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