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100% recycled aluminium tin case for tea light candles made in australia

Northern Light. Re usable Tea Light Tin

Whether late to the party or ahead of the curve, using our Australian organic beeswax tea lights is a small but very rewarding game changer. To show them the respect they deserve and to encourage the longevity of the candle we highly suggest you also buy the 100% recyclable Aluminium tea light tin.


Not only infinitely reusable they are the only Australian made tins on the market.




21mm high x 40mm wide


Price per tin.

  • What Northern Light say about the Tins

    100% recycled tealight tins: these are the only Australian-made tealight tins available on the market.

    All alternatives are made from aluminum or plastic and produced with considerable carbon footprint.


    To use reusable tealight tins simply load tea light directly into the holder, light and enjoy.

    Insulate from cold surfaces.

    Allow candle to burn for a minimum of 2 hours, allowing the candle walls to become molten and avoid tunnelling.

    Once the tea light has 1/4 – 2/3 left allow to burn out completely, this will avoid left over wax due to insufficient wick left to create required heat.

    Remove left over metal sustainer after each burn

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